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christmas mahem

  • Posted on December 24, 2018 at 9:25 am

meg volunteered to help finish decorating the tree this year. the others were too busy baking cookies, or wrapping presents, but dovey, emrys and noah wanted to help.

decorating the tree
at first all went well as they each hung ornaments on the branches

uh oh
then noah decide his stool was too low and he needed to get higher to help meg reach the upper branches

noah get down
meg looked up to see him balanced precariously on the uppermost branches. reaching up she scolded, “noah get down, before you fall!”
too late
but it was too late, she couldn’t reach him in time and noah tumbled to the floor. holding his head he sighed “ouch!”

meanwhile on the other side of the tree,
meanwhile on the other side of the tree, emrys had climbed up on a stool to hang ornaments above dovey’s head

i think i can reach
some of the branches were just a little too high, but emrys thought he could reach them

meg look!
just then dovey turned around “meg look!” she cried out.

this time meg made it in time to rescue emrys

you two sit right here
you two sit right here, she sighed, dovey and i will finish the tree