You are currently browsing all posts tagged with 'crystalorn'.
Displaying 11 - 19 of 19 entries.

rub a dub dub wee girls in a tub

  • Posted on January 10, 2013 at 1:03 pm

to try and keep up with my new years resolutions for at least the first week, here is this weeks post, three of my wee girls together in the bubble bath scrubbing clean after a morning or finger painting, in which they got more paint on themselves than the paper.
rub a dub dub wee ones in a tub
alys and crystal like baths, but poor sophie seems to think she will melt 😆

amber and crystal also return from the spa

  • Posted on August 14, 2012 at 5:06 pm

amberglas and crystalorn had been playing a bit too hard and had had scratches and chips on their faces. so when skylar arrived and needed to go to the spa, they decided to make a girls day of it and get “prettified” with her. there was a lot of giggling involved and it took a lot longer to do three squirmy little girls, but it did keep skylar from being scared and amber and crystal were very happy with the results
amberglas new look
crystalorn reborn
i was happy that they retained their unique “selves” through the transformation

if at first you don’t succeed, sky diving probably isn’t the sport for you… 😉

amber and crystal travel to drumheller

  • Posted on June 1, 2012 at 10:24 am

amber and crystal went exploring in drumheller on the weekend. they found a cave, but decided it was a bit too dark and scary so they sat in front to “admire the view”
amber and crystal in drumheller

amber was disgusted to find out the popcorn mud is used to make the base of toothpaste
amber in drumheller

crystal did a bit of exploring on her own so missed the toothpaste conversation
crystal in drumheller


  • Posted on April 7, 2012 at 12:09 pm

crystal is still waiting for her prince. she says the prince should have to kiss the toads not the princess…. toads are yucky! 😆

crystalorn frog hat

reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one,
albert einstein

30 day photo challenge day 2

  • Posted on December 15, 2011 at 5:08 pm

2) a picture of your doll next to a stack of unusual objects that equal their approximate height.

at first i was tempted to measure them against chocolate chips, because everything goes well with chocolate. 😉 but then i figured, that in keeping with the one blue-stocking theme, it would be much better to measure the girls against a stack of yarn or books…. ever indecisive i used both! 🙂
how tall am i?
so, one littlefee, eilidh, is equal to 7 partly used balls of yarn or 16 miniature books.
one pukifee, crystalorn, is equal to 4 partly used balls of yarn or 9-1/2 miniature books
one realpuki, smidge, (with wild hair) is equal to 2 partly used balls of yarn or 7 miniature books (or so she claims and who am i to argue?)

…….and beezie (up on top) claims she is the biggest of them all! 😆

funky crocheted hats

  • Posted on October 16, 2011 at 9:16 pm

i’ve been busy making crocheted hats for the little ones. they might need to wear warm hats as the weather cools, but that doesn’t mean they have to be boring. we took a short trip to banff to see the fall colors and 4 of the kids came with me to show off some prototypes for a new line of hats i’m making

crystalorn frog princess
crystalorn loved the frog prince hat and said “its a frog princess!”

amberglas pretended to be a swamp creature rising out of the marsh

crystalorn and amberglas
when they quit giggling long enough the girls posed for this shot.

kiri, crystalorn and amberglas
then they climbed up with kiri so i could take a picture of all the girls, i think crystalorn was getting tired, ’cause she was getting really snuggly with her big sister

digory muppet hat
digory like the muppet style hat but didn’t want to be in a photograph with the “girls”. he says quinn needs a hat so the boys can hang out instead.

btw kiri and amber’s lovely new hoodies are from spampy’s stuff

fun with photoshop

  • Posted on October 12, 2011 at 10:16 pm

i was editing some of my shops and started fooling around with some of the editing tools. i got a couple of pictures that i thought were kind of neat.
here is one of crystalorn posterized

and one of amberglas turned into a painting
reaching "painting"

now if only i could paint that well!


  • Posted on September 9, 2011 at 11:26 am


we went up to the kananaskis lake to take some pictures and the girls found a perfect spot to set up a lemonade stand. amberglas figured all the hikers would be thirsty when they got back. crystalorn said since no one else was selling snacks, they could make a fortune. now if only they had some lemons…….

new flowers in my garden

  • Posted on August 19, 2011 at 7:29 am

passing my garden and casually making note of the weeds to pull, i was astonished to see something strange poking out of my flower bed

face in the flowers
another little face

up popped two little girls
surprise! they cried. we’re back to stay

body blushing 2
would you like to see our pretty blushing?