working on the borders now. a good border ties all the colors together and is like a frame for the main picture. this afghan seemed to require a more elaborate “frame” than just a simple sc border. i’m liking it so far, though my need for a good blocking becomes more evident the further i get.
nearing completion
it’s all coming together now
crocheting the squares together took a surprisingly long time. i single crocheted around each square with natural then single crocheted it together with the next block(s) through the back loop of each adjoining side. my squares all look biased for some reason, i’ve never had that happen before. i’m hoping it will block out
getting closer
the last row of the granny squares are done – dark brown for the water soaked driftwood we would collect as we wandered the shore and the edge of the ocean.
although the colors are more muted than the rainbow brights my grandmother most often used and this is soft wool rather than the hard wearing acrylic she employed, it still reminds me of the many afghans she made for me and my siblings, along with the ponchos, vests and skirts which were ever so stylish back then. i’ll always be grateful that she taught me how to knit and crochet as a child. those skills have stood me in good stead through the years, and i can almost picture her beside me as i ply my craft.
the afghan continues to grow…
i added two colors for the ocean, teal feathers and water green for the water and foam as the waves hit the shore. i’m not trying to make a realistic picture here, just using colors that remind me of that long ago beach, so i’m putting them in the order that i like best and think are most appealing.
childhood dreams
some of my favorite childhood memories are of visits to my grandmothers house each summer. she lived in vancouver and i loved how green everything was there compared to my prairie home. she also lived within walking distance of the ocean and we spent many days playing in the sand and surf. so when meg asked for a new summery afghan to go in their wicker swing, i had to make something that was reminiscent of those carefree days. i’ll save the garden theme for another day but here is the start of my ocean dreams throw.
three shades of cream/light brown for the sand
my garden is coming up finally and i’ve been taking a break from knitting and dolls to weed, add mulch and all the other spring chores. on my to do list was getting 4 more stepping stones to finish the path. the ones i got several years ago are no longer available, so i needed some kind of natural stone to at least be similar. when i saw the fossils in this one, i just had to bring it home. they just thrill my nerdy little heart and make me smile every time i look at them. next time i’m at the garden center i’ll be going through their huge pile of stepping stones to see what other treasures i can find for the remaining three 🙂